Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day At Auntie Puah Meng's House

Puah Meng invited us over because her kids and grandkids were all away. She picked us up at around 8:00. We then went to a children's garden. That early in the morning it was not busy at all, but all ready warm with the sun shining! Then we went to her house to start playing. She has fun things like bikes, tables, cars and trains that move, and jewelry from her daughter. Ana got to have three new necklaces. One with a cat, another with a fish, and a third that looks like the Indian necklaces we got when I was little (although I think this one was from India). Uncle Micheal travels a lot and got the baseball key chain from Taiwan. Every time she goes over she likes to chew on it! She also when up and down the stairs about a thousand times. She was much better at it this time--not trying to go head first, but instead putting one leg down first and then the other. The only tricky part was getting her to go to sleep--she would rather play! Puah Meng went off to the spa for about three hours during which Ana slept and ate lunch. It was nice to have a change of scenery. When they go to China we will go over and water the plants and swim--as soon as I get a swimsuit! It's very common for the parents to watch the grandkids--she has at least one of the three every day of the week. Plus they still have a family dinner on Saturday nights. It keeps her very busy!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I think that first picture says a lot-- "How much can we get at once?!"