Monday, April 18, 2011

India-Day 2 and 3

We did some things other than what the high schoolers do (because of Ana). (This is when they were climbing to the top of the hill--quite steep!!) She got to try to walk a sheep with an uncle's help. It was hilarious to hear her talking to it as it bleated for the other sheep.
We went to church and sang. Two gave their testimonies and the other male sponsor shared from Esther.
Ana had the life trainees eating out of the palm of her hand. Here they are in her "secret tree house" feeding her bear.
These guys don't speak a lot of English, but they sure were good listeners.

We tried to work with the high schoolers on Saturday, BUT Ana wanted to jump into the compost pit, catch flying metal pans (that's how they haul dirt), and generally get in the way. So, we looked elsewhere for things to do. Maybe next year!

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