Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Rude Awakening

The other night at 3:40 in the morning we were awakened by a rushing sound. It turned out that the sink hose (rubber surrounded by thin metal) had burst. It wasn't that big of a problem since we have a big drain in the floor. We just squeegeed it toward the drain. We ran around for a few minutes trying to find a way to turn it off. It ends up that you have to go outside the apartment and switch off the whole apartment. Matt then went to Mustafas--a 24 hour Indian Walmart that is a block from our house--and got the replacement hose. I'm glad that I have a handy husband and didn't have to call a plumber that early in the morning!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I am muchly looking forward to having a handy husband! They're quite useful :)