Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Very Real Part of Life in Singapore

So, this is not the most uplifting post!! When I got Ana up this morning I noticed huge red spots on the back of her legs, one on her hand, and one on her arm. We have a mosquito net on her bed, but sometimes they still manage to sneak in!! Tropical bites are a bit worse than American ones! After putting some itching stuff on it which didn't work, I looked it up on the internet. One site suggested using deoderant. I tried and she hasn't itched since!


Meg said...

Woah, that deodorant thing is quite a trick!! I'll have to try it next time-- mosquitos and ants are the WORST, I can't imagine in Singapore!

Sara Campbell said...

Bless her heart. How well I remember babies and bugs. We tried the mosq. net but the cat decided it was a toy. Holes, then bugs, then bugs that stayed all night. Once I found a tp square with a dead mosq and a note from Ross..."You touch my baby, you die." :)