Monday, March 14, 2011


I've had a lot of time to think about why we are stuck in this adoption process.
One theory I've kicked around is the fact that it has kept us here in Singapore--we've been really interested in leaving for a while now, but haven't wanted to redo all the paperwork in another country. I see the stability that Matt gives to the school (esp. now in the midst of yet another quick administration change)and have to say it's a GREAT thing that he's here.

Another reason may be that we needed to be brought to the end of ourselves and fully rely on God (and HIS will). We truly can do nothing about this situation and are at His mercy.

Perhaps this is all in preparation for where we will go next. Maybe it will be a place that requires great patience.

Or maybe, we needed to see how far our commitment could be stretched. I was just thinking today that we are a lot like Horton the Elephant (Dr. Seuss) who refused to give up on the people on the speck (a person's a person no matter how small). Horton protected, searched for, and took to safety the community living on the speck (in spite of being hounded by a vulture and other jungle animals). I'm a lot like Horton. I wouldn't want someone to give up on me and I plan to keep going in this adoption ordeal no matter how long it takes. There are older boys that have been in the orphanage for years-I don't think that is God's plan for China!

Whatever the case, I rest secure that there is a reason and purpose behind it and someday I will understand. For now I remain, yours truly, a person trying to be content in every circumstance (and rarely succeeding!)

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