Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Curse of the Micro Beads

A while ago I had a nice micro bead pillow. I used it at night because it helped my neck not hurt in the morning. One day it burst in the washer--that was a nightmare. I STILL have micro beads that come out when it spins. So--not learning my lesson there I bought another one. This one also burst when Ana jumped on it. No problem, I thought, I'll make another--which I did. This one also ripped out when Ana rode it like a horse (although she was strictly banned from touching it). Not one to give up, I hand sewed the seam again. This time Ana lined up all the pillows on the floor and hopped from pillow to pillow. Needless to say--it burst. I saw it and told her to leave it there. (I was in the middle of cooking a double batch of tortillas--more on that later). She did not--carried it through the flat and dumped out the rest in her room. The were everywhere. It didn't help that our flat is a wind tunnel and it happened to be a very windy day!

Now I've seen worse--I watched a video where two boys "painted" there mom's living room--including the leather couch. I've seen muddy dirty boys walk through the house, but this is more frustrating! No matter how hard you try--you'll never get them all. They hide under cabinets and beds and when you least suspect it--they'll be all over the floor again!

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