Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Day

Today I scrubbed the guest room floor and then mopped it, did a couple hours of school work with Ana, made a batch of cookies and wrapped them in twos for Matt's lunch, baked a cake (not for us!), organized pictures on the computer, straightened up Ana's room and bags, worked on the adoption book, got things ready to go to school tomorrow, made a recipe template on the computer (I'd like to put them all in a book with a picture), went to Mustafas and carried home heavy bags, swept the rug, did dishes, cleaned the kitchen counters, made dinner (zucchini fries--I'll tell you how much Matt hates them later), tried to get Ana to go to sleep, took down the wash, and COLLAPSED!

Makes me smile when I see all that I got done! Hope you had a productive day too!

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