Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The First

About and hour after she went to bed  last night Ana woke up with her ear hurting.  So today we made our first trip to the hospital.  It has a designated international clinic in it.  There were no appointments left with the English speaking doctor (he only works in the morning), so an English speaking nurse went downstairs with us.  There are some major differences in health care here.  People wander in and out of the examining rooms asking the doctor questions when he's seeing someone else.  I don't think there is really a "line" for seeing the doctor--it's whoever gets there first.  Thankfully the nurse (who was extremely helpful) went into the office and sat there.  As expected Ana had an ear infection.  We then went back to the International Clinic paid our bill and waited for our prescription to be filled.  They brought it to us and explained the instructions and we were out of there.  45 minutes, less than 30 US dollars (including the medicine), and a relatively stress free experience.  Not bad!

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