Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Random Updates

First of all, I want to say a HUGE thank you to Mr. Greg Boyer.  He has followed Matt's case closely and is still working with us to get more therapy sessions.  He has selflessly used his own time to help us!  That being said, please continue to pray with us for favor with the insurance and a speedy decision.  (We will have to change insurance soon!)

China's elementary soccer team will be in the championship game next week--there are only four or five teams in their league--all private or charter schools.  But, they are very excited!

I will be working in the Summer Excel Program at Shepherd.  Please pray with me that I can work full time and still hold our family (and house) together. :)

We are looking at having Mitike take some evaluations.  Again, wisdom is needed!  Some things have been going on at school and she just got caught.

I've been blessed by a visiting group from Point Loma Nazarene University in California.  It's so refreshing to see young people with servants hearts!

We appreciate all the cards from GCA, Oakland, Shepherd, and just random people.  They make our days brighter!  Thank you!

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