Monday, March 16, 2009

Multi Purpose Post

Well, we've been running all over Singapore trying to get our medical stuff done for the next adoption. Hopefully, we will be finished before the six Eilers descend on Singapore! Anyway, this has left little time for taking photos or posting--Sorry!
Analia has started to enjoy to pull the metal bar down on her mosquito net. It makes me laugh to hear her calling for me to come fix it. Maybe one day she'll learn.
Next my mom sent me this dress that she had made for me. Although she doesn't have pictures of me in it, she suggested I take pictures of Ana in it. All I can say is I tried. You can see what kind of attitude I got! I probably took about 50 pictures and not one of them was even fairly good. They were either terribly blurry because she was flinging her duck around or she was just plain grumpy. She is getting her two bottom molars (six months early and at the same time).
In other news I started teaching a college student piano--just for a few months. It's been pretty fun. He's really big and Analia hasn't warmed up to him yet--so she doesn't provide too many interruptions.
I'm doing a talk on Hinduism on Thursday (to our week without walls team). It should prove pretty interesting as a couple of the students are Hindu!
Have a good flight Eilers!

1 comment:

Meg said...

lol, I kinda love the expression in that last picture-- it's a strange mix between grumpy, confused, and scowly. Would you have any time for me to call on Skype in the next few days, I'd love to hear about the adoption! (but I'm not sure when the Eilers descend!)