Thursday, August 29, 2013


-you can't store stuff in the bottom of a gas oven--it gets very hot down there--hot enough to completely melt a plastic lid to the pan. So, Betsy, I found a new place to put my 9x13s!
-gas dryers also get very hot--got it set on delicate so that all our clothes aren't two sizes smaller in five minutes.
-don't paint a dresser until you're sure you can get it up the stairs--Matt cut three inches off the bottom and it still won't fit.  Now I'm refinishing a beautiful hundred year old oak dresser that was left in our basement.  Ana has some nice antiques in her room!
-Ana thinks you're a good friend and will cry because she can't see you any more (she's switching schools) if you let her play your Nintendo every morning and write "I love you" in her folder every day.  Yes she's six and has an admirer and can get him to do anything.  UGH!!
-trying to find a dog on craigslist is difficult--by the time I get permission from my husband they've already given the dog to somebody else.
-I was serenaded by the kitchen staff today as I was cleaning up after 14 four year olds.  Valerie, Valerah, Valerie, Valerah,ah,ah.... I hadn't heard that in years--don't know that one in Asia!  Thankful for friendly, wonderful cooks--the chicken salad was divine yesterday.  He made his own garlic mayo!
-Ana had a job fair today--she dressed up as a horse trainer--but her real desire was to be cheerleader-three months in America and already corrupted utterly.
Have a great Friday!!

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