Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Adoption Update

Our dossier arrived in Ethiopia yesterday. The caseworker immediately took it for translation, and the dossier should be ready by the weekend. There is one final paper for Bahailu so that the file can be opened in the court in Addis (but that is expected to be picked up on Saturday). Our caseworker plans to open the file early next week and will let us know the court date at that time! It looks like we could be traveling as soon as late September!

We also received his weight, height, and head circumference measurements. Suffice it to say that he needs some more food! Pray for weight gain!

We should be getting some more pictures from a family traveling in late July/early August soon.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Fantastic! You should bring him here before heading back to Singapore, I'll cook him some real Southern food and he'll be good as new in no time ;)