Sunday, August 17, 2014

Moving Forward and Our Continued Thanks!

As we look back on this past year since returning to the States from China, we see how your prayers/God's peace has carried us through so much.  When the policeman stationed at our house asked how I was "surviving" through all this, I said, "I have people around the world praying for me."  A one sentence testimony that says it all.  THANK YOU for your continued prayers!

Matt restarts therapy this week AND meets with his employment counselor.  Please pray for both of these. We also have not got clearance for speech and occupational therapy YET.  Please pray with us that it would move along.

We have our first meeting with Mitike's wrap around program on Tuesday.  This will involve social workers, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, etc. --it's very much a team effort.  Please pray for some change in her heart.  We are running low on HOPE.

PRAISES--I had opportunity to bake this weekend.  I'm so enjoying have a teensy bit of free time once again.
Ana starts school and is eager to go.  We're very thankful for neighbors that will take her!
My third grade makes me laugh.  I'm really enjoying being a part of their lives.
I've started playing with the worship team--it's been a blessing.  Matt has been asked to take a role in the church as well :)
Matt's dad went to South Africa and back (safely) in about a week!  We're glad to have him back.

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