Thursday, January 16, 2014

I Like This Quote...

When in South America (Ecuador) I saw ladies carrying enormous bundles of sticks solely using a strap on their forehead.  In India I saw ladies carry huge baskets of dirt on their head much like the lady below.
There are "best" ways of carrying heavy things.  I'm under a pretty heavy load right now myself.  One thing I've been asking is, "Do I need to carry all these worries/concerns/problems around?" NO!!! If your stress level is super high--give it to God.  If you need to be in three places at once--ask for wisdom.  If you have problems you don't have the solutions to--wait on Him.  

Its kind of like that old hymn that says...
Turn your eyes upon Jesus and ...

Have a Marvelous Day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thinking of you and the road ahead. i'm sure there is nothing so powerfully near as God's hand right now, but that all the earthly needs look pretty daunting and overwhelming whenever that hand isn't showing! praying for faith to believe the impossible and see the God of the unknown. Your posts have been a source of inspiration to me to have these focuses! Much love, Ashley