Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Date Is Set

We heard today that the hospital set Matt's release date at Jan. 21st.  (This is only if the insurance continues to pay for that long!!!  The date could be sooner.)  I have to go have some training next Monday and Tuesday.  Matt will also have a weekend pass which allows him to come home for a few hours.  (This serves as a trial and lets you know if you need bars/rails in places you hadn't thought of.)

Please continue to pray that things go smoothly and that Matt's astounding progress continues!

On a side note I watched a TED talk the other night.  It was a brain scientist that had a stroke.  She talked about her symptoms (loss of speech, loss of movement on right side, etc.) and how it affected her life and then she showed her CAT scan---Her clot was so small in comparison to Matt's.  It really is MIRACULOUS that he has retained so much AND is making such quick progress.  Praise be to God! 

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