Sunday, April 13, 2014

Directing God

When we decided to come back to the States to work through Mitike's issues, we gave up all our plans.  We had planned to stay overseas for the rest of our working years.  We had planned to raise our kids in an international environment.  We had planned to keep on working with international students.  We had planned to travel.  

What I'm realizing now is that while all our plans were good, they weren't necessarily God's plans!  It has been interesting to be in a "planless" state for the past few months.  This opens you up more to hear and see what God wants for you.  

Matt has qualified for the state/federal assistance in getting him back to work.  Within the next couple weeks he will probably begin his driver's training/testing.  He's very excited to drive again!!  You can pray along with us that he finds where God is wanting him to work.

I am hoping to take an elementary job at Shepherd (full time).  As Matt has continued to progress we are starting to be able to participate in church more often, BUT we are open and seeking God's plans!

Thanks for praying with us! 

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